Wednesday, November 01, 2006

3rd Time Lucky at the Bank

After my initial attempt to get a bank cheque, to pay for my home contents insurance, I finally got things sorted out on my third trip to the bank.

On my first trip to the bank they told me I needed an appointment to get a bank cheque. They made that for me 10 days later. I almost missed that appointment purely because I completely forgot about it. That would have been a disaster as I then would have needed another appointment.

When I went to the appointment I was 10 minutes late and she said she couldn't see me. That was complete rubbish because I know she made an hour appointment for me. I apologised for being late and then she said c'est pas grave, it's my pleasure to help you. So at first she was annoyed with me then she was smiling and happy. Hmm.

Rather than issue me with a bank cheque which would cost 15 euros she decided to order a cheque book (chequier) for me which is gratuit. I suppose, being in France, I really should have a cheque book. When in Rome...

So one week later and I got my very own, first ever cheque book.

I sent off the cheque to Montpellier to pay for my home insurance. I don't really know if it was overdue or not because there was not due date on the bill I received. That seemed a bit strange to me but there you go.

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