Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Typical French Men?

I was pretty bored at the gym last night so when some short French guy headed over and started gossiping with the couple next to me, I didn't hesitate to turn down my iPod and eavesdrop on their conversation. It's not a good thing to do, I know, but anyway...

So first of he starts going on about Facebook and how great it is. That's the first sign that there's something wrong with this guy. Facebook is a complete waste of time. (Ok, I admit I do have a profile and login every day but it's still crap! Oh and you can add me to your friends list if you like, hehe).

Then short French guy starts going on about how he has to work out for 2.5 to 3 hours a day because he gains weight so easily and he couldn't think of anything worse than to be fat. Tall French guy responds by saying that when his wife gains 2 kilos she completely freaks out as it really 'shows' on her. Yeah, she's about 180cm and very thin so 2 kilos will definitely make her look chubby!!

Next these 2 idiot guys start going on about how all women start to lose their looks after 23. They were completely serious. Then tall French guy turns to 25 year old wife and says, 'but not you honey'. He's got to be close to 40 so I can really see that marriage lasting.

It makes me wonder what these guys think of women like me. I'm 33 and more than chubby. They must think I'm repulsive. Although I did catch short French guy checking me out the other day so who knows.

This is the image I have of the typical French man. Obsessed about his appearance and that of his girlfriend/wife. Being overweight shows a lack of discipline or interest in life or I don't know what. I read something once that French men like to go out with curvy women, just not in public. Nice!


Anonymous said...

so funny what you wrote about french guys.. and so true! particularly for people from paris, they are not so obsessed in the rest of france with the look. i was living in paris and this is not the girls who say you have to be careful with your weight, this is the guys.. terrible!!!

Andrea said...

I really hope not all French men are like that but my experience with them hasn't been good!

Anonymous said...

Hello andrea,
at first i want to say that i love your posts usually!
but toaday ... your post could be very funny if it were second degree but i don't think so. Typical french men! does it exist? or is it just racist and stupid? of course some of french people are just jerk and i had also some bad experiences but... have a good day!

Andrea said...

First of all, that post was written almost a year ago, so I'm not sure I believe you're a regular reader of my blog.

Secondly, lighten up! What I wrote isn't supposed to be taken seriously and it's certainly not racist.

Btw, that girl is now pregnant. I wonder how she (and her husband) feels about the extra kilos she has gained... haha...

Bluebell said...

this is absolutely TRUE!!! I live in France, and haven't had a good experience with any French men. they can be superficially charming, but they still have an image of themselves as being irresistible, and that is SO not correct! they think there is something wrong with a man who can't keep it in his pants, and this means their wopmen are incredibly insecure and jealous, although given that most Frenchmen I know are short, hairy, obsessive and have very bad teeth and poor personal hygiene, they really shouldn't worry. the other thing is that they obsessively subathe in the mistaken belief that being mahogony coloured makes them attractive. Actually, it makes them wizened. and being english i can also say they have a fetish for English women - quite openly they drool over the accent and the feeling that our natural reserve makes us more of a conquest; but worst of all is that (statistically speaking) we have the biggest boobs in Europe, and they also get icky over that. If they would stop expecting their own women to smoke, drink gallons of coffee and take laxatives in an effort to be the same shape as a preying mantis, they might have decent mammaries too! so as far as I am concerned, having spent a few years fending off these idiots, you can keep Zee French Luvaire... give me a Brit, a Yank or an Auzzie any day!

Anonymous said...

I have been to Dublin to study English as course for three months , and I met a group of French students all of them were from Paris and young , and to be honest with you all those guys and girls were slim and skinny and I talked to most of them about this point and they told me that they are extremely keen on having a slim body and this is just a culture in France and one of those guys was sad because he has got a few extra kilos overweight and was thinking to enter in gym to solve this problem. And you have to be familiar with some important point that is Most of French have slight and short bodies and bones compared to people from north Europe like England , Ireland etc. So this helps them to have a balanced weight , and this is the only positive point for French.

On the other hand , I can say without a doubt that most of them ( not all of them ) act in a strange way That I can't understand it where I totally agree with you about moral and manners of them , and I think that they are dirty and stinky where you can ses a pretty young girl has hair in her arms and wears sometimes not clean clothes and untidy hair , and French gather together and sit on the floor between the classes and stare at students and outdoor all of them hold cigettes in their mouths and they don't have any problem to ask other students for a joint as if beggars.

They are maniac about anything related to sex.

I hope I could give all the readers useful information about this topic.

Please please for all native English speaker who read my post could you evaluate my English where I am an English learner.

Thanks for all