Tuesday, June 05, 2007

New Machines at the Club Med Gym

I paid around €1000 for my gym membership (for 1 year) and even though it's a lot of money I really think it was well worth it. It gives me access to 22 gyms around Paris but I've only ever been to the one, in the 16th. It's quite a large gym with a swimming pool, 3 aerobics areas, a huge cardio area, 2 weights areas, and one spot for stretching or doing ab exercises.

There have been a couple of little upgrades while I've been there (8 months) but a couple of weeks ago they changed ALL the machines for new ones. So new cardio machines and new weight machines. The cardio machines have individual TV's with around 20 channels which you can listen to with headphones.

Although I was quite used to the old machines and there is less variety now, I'm pretty impressed with the new ones. There were always big screen TV's around but they were all on the one channel and there was no sound. I use my iPod when working out but having a bit of TV to watch makes the time go that little bit faster, which is important when you're virtually the same exercise day in day out. Of course, neither the iPod nor the TV is as entertaining as watching the most attractive guy I've ever seen if my life working out! Hehe. Oops, now you my real motivation for going to the gym every day!

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