Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wonder Cooker

A quick update on the Wonder Cooker which I've been promoting for a few weeks.

I had my doubts about whether people would be interested in this kind of thing and more to the point, whether people actually buy As Seen on TV products but in fact, it sells really, really well. My conversion rate is around 5% which is great. Well, I think it's great. Other affiliate programs I work with only convert at around 1 to 2% so needless to say I'm pretty happy with the Wonder Cooker.

The only reason I'm not looking at retirement any time soon is that I'm not getting enough volume. People just aren't searching for the Wonder Cooker. Maybe it's only a new product or it isn't being promoted on TV at the moment; I'm not sure. So I'm only getting around 1 sale per day. Yeah, I won't be going on a 5 star holiday anytime soon.

This has motivated me to try promoting other As Seen on TV products. As soon as I finish with the Nouvelle Star campaign I'll be working on promoting other products like with my One Cooker website.

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