Friday, April 14, 2006

Problems in Paris

The 'renovated' apartment I saw yesterday was pretty mediocre but I've decided to take it, if they accept my dossier. It's only 720 euros per month which isn't too bad for a 1 bed apartment in Paris. It's not as nice as I'd hoped but it's within budget which is the main thing. I won't find out until Tuesday if they are willing to accept it due the long weekend for Easter.

Real estate agents generally require that your income is 3 times the amount of the monthly rent. The problem is that they won't accept my Australian income even though I earn around 5 times the monthly rent. I've got plenty of proof that I have that income but they're not interested.

I'm trying to find something direct with the landlord as they can be more flexible but it's a slow process. Today is Friday and I have some appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday next week. This normally wouldn't be a problem but I'm paying for a hotel and need to find something quickly.

I'm moving hotels today because after spending 5 nights in a single room with my husband they've now decided it's not allowed for safety reasons. They've booked us a room in Levallois where Ferbent works but he doesn't know it yet. I'll have to wait until he comes back from work because I can't move our luggage alone. All these things waste more time and it's getting frustrating.

Fingers crossed the agent I saw today will accept my dossier and we can get moving.

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