Monday, April 17, 2006

Paris Apartments

The apartment hunt is starting to pick up. I was offered the apartment I saw in Boulogne but at 890 euros per month for a small studio I decided not to accept it. I'm sure I can find a nice 1 bed in Levallois for that price.

Today is a public holiday and Ferbent is working so I'm not doing too much. I went to an Italian art exhibition at the Grand Palais which was probably not worth the 10 euro entrance fee. It's not the kind of thing I would normally see. It was interesting but there wasn't enough to see. I then saw La Doublure, a French comedy. I like Daniel Autueil and although it was very light hearted, to say the least, I enjoyed it.

I'm now checking my email and websites but am struggling with the French keyboard (I'm in an internet cafe). It's driving me crazy!

I have a couple of possiblities for an apartment tomorrow so I hope to get one of them. Fingers crossed - again.

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