Friday, March 31, 2006

Ferbent Got A Job!

Well, it's not official yet but he has been offered a job at a hotel in Paris. He's going to Paris this weekend and will sign the contract on Monday. I hope that's all there is to it and he didn't misunderstand. I'm sure she did say she wanted him to sign a contract so fingers crossed. I don't want to celebrate until it's signed but I'm pretty happy about the news and so is Ferbent, of course.

So this means we'll be moving back to Paris. Moving to Montpellier was only really meant to be a temporary move while we improved our French and so we had a base for job hunting, but I don't really want to move now. I know I'll be much happier in Paris because there are so many more things to do, I just don't want to go through the hassle of looking for an apartment and moving.

It's so difficult to find a decent apartment in Paris. I don't want to rush my search and then get something I'm not happy with, like here in Montpellier. I want to get at least a one bed apartment with a proper kitchen, timber floorboards, and renovated. We only pay 490 euros per month here but in Paris I think we'll be looking at closer to 1000. I did see on TV the other day when 2 girls found a renovated one bed in a really nice location for 900 but I don't know how old the show was.

Anyway, one thing at a time. Ferbent needs to sign his contract and then we need to find some kind of temporary accommodation for him while I sort out the new apartment and the move.

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