Friday, February 08, 2008

Shopping in le Marais

My husband and I have kind of a mixed up relationship where he likes to do girly things like shopping, trying the latest skin care products, taking long hot baths, and shopping (I mentioned that twice for emphasis if you didn't notice).

Me, I like to do stereotypically boy things like play computer games, read geeky internet marketing and computer programming forums, and hang out at the gym.  Oh, and I HATE shopping. Especially during the evil soldes.

A couple of times Ferbent dragged me along to the sales and it was utter hell, especially in the first few days when there were like a billion people shopping at once. He bought a few things and I bought nothing.

Shopping in le Marais on a Sunday is like shopping in the sales because the shops there are the only ones in Paris which are open on a Sunday, so every man and his dog is there.

Ferbent the shopaholic dragged me there last Sunday but at least this time it was worthwhile because I actually found something I wanted, a gorgeous bag from Brontibay. I don't think they have anything I don't like. Thankfully I found out about them from The Late Bloomer.

I also found a cute little store where Ferbent bought a gorgeous jacket at 50% off.  That wasn't too painful.

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