Monday, February 11, 2008

La Fabrique des Sentiments

Finally a semi decent movie after seeing a couple of crappy ones. La Fabrique des Sentiments is about a 36 year old single woman looking for love and struggling to find it:

Eloïse, la trentaine, a réussi sa vie professionnelle. Moins sa vie privée puisqu'elle est toujours célibataire et le regrette. Elle s'inscrit à un speed-dating, 7 hommes, 7 femmes, 7 minutes pour séduire... La solitude, l'indépendance, la séduction: les nouveaux modes de rencontres.

Sometimes I wish I was still single but at other times, like when seeing this movie, I realise what a nightmare it is for people in the thirties looking for 'the one'.

The woman in this movie obviously doesn't have a lot of luck with men but what I don't understand is why she did what she did in the end. I won't reveal the ending in case you are going to see it, but it didn't make sense to me. Some people will do anything to avoid being alone I guess.

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