Thursday, December 14, 2006

Not Much Shopping

I see so many people out shopping at the moment. Ok, it's coming up to Christmas so that's normal but it's such a pain when you just need to buy something and aren't looking for a gift. If you just want to run in and run out of the shop it's quite difficult. I hate shopping when there are so many people around and I imagine I'm not the only one.

I have seen some nice things in recent weeks. I want to buy a few things for the house and I wouldn't mind some new clothes too. Unfortunately I won't be doing much shopping for the next couple of weeks due to my massive dentist bill, which naturally isn't covered by the Carte Vitale French health insurance.

I had to have a crown which cost 650 euros. 80 of that will be refunded by the French social security system, if I ever get a Carte Vitale. For Ferbent it is much different. He is in the process of getting a bridge, which funnily enough is called a bridge in French and not a pont, which is going to cost a small fortune. It's going to cost 2100 euros of which only 450 will be reimbursed. Ouch. I know it needs to be done but I had really hoped to go away a couple of times before next summer. I don't see how we can do that now. If only I could sell a few more Albanian souvenir t-shirts or some organic hair care products. If only.

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