Friday, August 04, 2006

France is Smoking

Even though the number of smokers in France has decreased in recent years, there are still plenty of smokers around. There especially seems to be a lot of women smokers in France. I read recently how a lot of women here take up smoking for the sole reason of keeping their weight down. I take it cigarettes reduce the appetite and that is how they stay slim. This is also the reason many don't want to quit. They are worried that if they quit they might gain 2 or 3 kilos. Two or 3 kilos which they would hardly notice. So they would rather kill themselves than have to wear a larger size jeans, if that. Not to mention how bad smoking is for the skin. They spend thousands on anti-wrinkle creams and expensive makeup only to ruin it all with cigarettes. You can spot a smoker a mile away with the disgusting wrinkles around their lips. That's pretty ugly. In fact it is pretty sad that they think this is the solution to their weight problems, which I'm sure is more in their minds than anything else.

I can't think of anything worse than smoking. I understand it is difficult to give up but it is the only way to go. Here are some tips on how to quit smoking if anyone needs them.

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