Sunday, April 09, 2006

'The Dossier'

I've spent most of the morning preparing my 'dossier' so I'll be prepared for my house hunting in Paris tomorrow. It was difficult to find an apartment here in Montpellier because neither of us had an income in France. I have an income in Australia but most agencies wouldn't accept that income. I eventually found an excellent agent who was very helpful and accepted it, although I did have to prove that I had a house in my name. This wasn't essential but it helped things along a bit.

Things are different now because Ferbent has a job here and a decent income. I still need to prove my income but hopefully it won't be so much of an issue this time.

The documents I need to show are:

Proof of income in France (copy of Ferbent's work contract).
Proof of income in Australia (letter from my employer).
Bank statements. I only have Australian statements so I hope that will be sufficient.
RIB. This is my French bank account number, although I don't use that account and therefore don't have any money in that account.
Proof I own a house in Australia.
Reference from current real estate agent.
Contents insurance.
Copy of both our passports.

I think that's everything. I hope that's everything.

Wish me luck.

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