Sunday, April 27, 2008

Red Bull No Longer Banned

Red Bull was banned in France due to concerns over adverse side effects possibly caused by the drink as well as reported links to a number of deaths in Europe and the US:

The fizzy drink has been linked to several deaths and some experts have criticised its high levels of caffeine and other stimulants.

It contains caffeine, vitamins, and sugar which, the company claims, kick-starts the body's metabolism and keeps people alert. But France has refused to authorise its sale, along with other vitamin-fortified foods such as Danone yoghurt and Kellogg's cereals.

Whenever I was in a neighbouring country such as Spain or Germany, I'd always pick up a few dozen few cans and smuggle them back over the border.

So I was quite surprised to see Red Bull in Monoprix yesterday. I guess the ban as been lifted and I didn't know. When did that happen?

Update: Turns out it was legalised earlier this month. Yay - now I can get drugged up to my hearts content. They just need to start selling the diet version and life will be complete!


Anonymous said...

Apparently it's the lethal mix of vodka and red bull which caused, I don't know.

I thought it was strange that whilst Red Bull was banned, I saw cans of V around. I actually prefer V tastewise, but maybe it's less potent?

And you just explained why cereal tastes different here!

Misplaced said...

I thought the trouble came from snorting it directly into you nasal cavity. That's how I do...ok I have to go and sand blast the cat now.

islandgirl4ever2 said...

I know, I saw it on the menu at the cafe' at the Parc de Sceaux a few days ago and nearly fainted.... Though, I have seen it in the Indian supermarkets in Gare du Nord area... I thought it was the ingredient Taurine that was in question... Oh well.. I like the tangy taste of Red Bull, but I'm not a soda drinker... did you notice if they had the diet version, as well?? Just curious! Also, do you think they'd get some Philly cream cheese in now so I can make my cheesecakes?? And chedder cheese and corn tortillas (the real ones) while they're at it!! ; ) See you on Tues!!

Andrea said...

No diet Red Bull yet, hopefully it's coming.

I saw Philly cream cheese in Monoprix once, a couple of years ago. Not in Paris though, it was in some village near Switzerland. I love to make cheesecake too but I guess that's not going to happen while I'm in this country. I'll just add that to my list of reasons to leave France!