Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pain au Chocolat

When I first came to France, I think I tried every type of cake (I didn't like any of them) and did the rounds of all the local boulangeries to find the best pain au chocolat. It was a tough job but some pain au chocolat are definitely better than others.

Of course, after a while I got pretty sick of them and I hadn't had any for more than a year. A long time, I know. So over the weekend I sent F out to get some and boy, what have I been missing! He managed to get some which were still warm so the chocolate was melted. Yum! What could be better?

Since then I've been trying different pastries but when they are cold, they're just not that good. I wonder if I should just ask the boulanger what time they make them so I can get them fresh out of the oven. Would that sound desperate?


islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hi Andrea,

I think those things are sooo much better warm! Go ahead and ask the boulanger to make them fresh for you... If you smile big, I'm sure he will!!! -Leese :)

Marianne said...

Hello, no I don't think that's a step too far AT ALL. The Frenchies at my local boulangerie all ask for exactly what they want, when the next batch will be ready, I want one bien cuite etc etc! When in Rome... x M

Andrea said...

There are around 10 boulangeries in my area (no surprise there) but the one I go to is so popular there is usually around 50 people in the queue at all times!

It's always next! next! next! So I'm not brave enough to ask anything other than une baguette et deux pain au chocolat s'il vous plait.

Luckily because it's so popular the baguettes are almost always hot out of the oven.