Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gad Elmaleh

I've been a huge fan of Gad Elmaleh for a couple of years now so was pretty excited when I got tickets to see his show at the Olympia. I don't have any trouble understanding him in his movies or when I've seen him in interviews but his comedy act is a bit difficult for me to understand due to him speaking super fast and using a lot of slang.

I knew it might be pointless to see him live for this reason but I bought the tickets 6 months ago with the hope that my French might improve enough for me to understand most of what was going on. Well, it didn't.

So I saw Gad last night and probably understood less that half of what he said. Poor Ferbent didn't understand a thing! Everyone there was laughing hysterically the entire time and I only got a few of the jokes. I was so upset! What a waste of time and money.

I don't think I'll ever be able to understand French well enough to see that kind of show. I'm so disappointed.

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