Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bingo Website Reviews

I have finally started reviewing bingo websites. I created a blog where I talk about different bingo sites, how to play bingo, which are the best sites, and where to find the best deals. It's pretty fun reviewing the sites so it's not really like work. I hope to add one review per day although each one does take a bit of time.

There are so many bingo sites around that it is hard to know where to start. I guess that is how my blog will be useful in the future. It can be a starting point for those looking to start playing bingo as well as a reference tool of all the bingo sites. I've got a long way to go to get there though.

I will also be reviewing skills games. These are games like cards, word games, car racing games etc. All the usual games you see around, the only difference being that you can play for money. I gave this a go about a year ago but I never won anything. I only spent $20 on it though. I will give it another go, reviewing sites as I find them.

I'm also going to review free games which is my favourite kind of games. I like to play online just as a break from work so I'm generally not interesting in doing it for money.

These bingo site reviews, as well as my other blogs are definitely going to keep me busy in the coming months. Check out Bingo Bombshell if you'd like to have a look and sign up for some free bingo credits while you are there.

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